Wednesday, May 9, 2012

a bit of quiet

Okay, so there hasn't been much noise in my head lately. I've been managing to sleep even though I get up wanting to stay in bed just a bit longer. That's to be expected as my body is trying to play catch up. It's a beautiful sunny day today- not too humid and a touch cool. Such a nice change from all the rain and gray we've had so much of  this past month. The climbing rose is starting to bloom! That is not usual for this area; I don't get roses until June mostly. Lovely lovely yellow roses. My favorites are the old fashioned single kind. Gonna work on crocheting an edging for some curtains. I'll try doing some more hairpin lace. Later I'll drive over to one of my favorite shops for some incense and perfume oil. Praises to God for this day and the sweet air I breath! Gracious is He who blesses us! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Melissa! Nicole, from Sew Much Sunshine here! I tried to reply to your comment, but it wouldn't let me! So here's the 411:

    YAY! Thanks for the lovely comment, Melissa! & sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

    The lovely fabric is from IKEA & as far as I know they still sell it. It's pretty thick too like upholstery fabric, which is really nice. You can find it on the website here:
