Monday, April 30, 2012

The 5 things I am grateful for this day.
  1. A good nights rest. I've been having such muddled dreams and too many of them lately. I wake up feeling exhausted.  And, no this was not because "S" was sick. This was going on well before.
  2. That my spouse is feeling better. I feel bad for "S" because diabetes means a lowered immune system and that means getting sick more often. He hates living with diabetes.
  3. Good strong coffee wtih flavored creamer. Yumyum!
  4. A dirty house because that means I'm surrounded by people who love and live here. :)
  5. A forgiving God who loves without end.
Let's get started cleaning and straightening. An elephant can be eaten--one bite at a time, one bite at a time.

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